With camping season just around the corner, you're probably getting your family ready for your next RV adventure. And we mean the whole family. Your pets are just as important to your family as any other family member, so it's natural to want to bring them with you. Just make sure you're prioritizing their needs as much as you prioritize your own. Airstream of Utah has provided you some tips on how to keep your pet happy and healthy while out on your trip. For our staff’s personal tips, stop by our location in Salt Lake City, Utah, near Park City, Ogden, West Jordan, and Provo, as well as Jackson, Wyoming.

Allow for an Adjustment Period

Long before you hit the road with your pet for the first time, you should give them a chance to get used to the environment. There's going to be a lot of new smells and sights, especially if you've got a new RV. Take them into the rig and let them wander around at their leisure, exploring different areas at a pace that is comfortable for them. Let them do this a few times so they can get used to the new environment. You can even take them on any practice drives you go on. The more you allow them to adjust to the environment, the more comfortable they’ll be when it’s time to head out on your next journey.

Keep a Normal Routine

In addition to getting used to the environment, try to minimize the amount of change that's going to happen. Obviously, that's going to be a little tough, but if you can maintain as much of their regular routine as you can, it will help them maintain some comfort and reduce anxiety. This means feeding them at the same time you normally would, walking them at the same time you normally would, getting up and going to bed at the same time you normally would, and in general finding every way to keep to their regular schedule.

Pack the Necessities

When you're making your packing list, make sure you include all the supplies you'll need for your pet as well. Pack things that they'll be familiar with, like toys and treats. Even though it can be a little bulky, you should also consider packing their own bed, so they can sleep surrounded by familiar smells.

You'll also want to pack the same type of food that you normally feed them, and pack plenty of it. Even at home, changing up their diet can upset their digestive systems and make them sick. This is the last thing you'll want when they're already stressed about their rapidly changing environment and new experiences. And the further you travel from home, the less guaranteed you are to find your preferred pet food brand, so make sure you'll have enough food for the whole trip. If your pet takes any medications, you'll want to make sure you bring those along as well.

Safe Travels in the Trailer

Once you're on the road, make sure you're prioritizing the safety of you and your pet. If you're towing an RV, do not put your pet in the rig as you're traveling. This may seem like a way to give them space to roam around, but now they're unsupervised and unprotected from an accident.

Speaking of accidents, you'll also want to keep your pets in a kennel. Some people find this cruel, but when you're in transit, keeping them secured can keep them from distracting the driver and it'll keep them safer in the event of an accident.

Finally, when you stop for a break and decide to give your pet a chance to stretch their legs, keep them on a leash. Even if you feel like your pet would never run off, there are many areas in which leashes are mandatory, and it helps other people feel safe around your pet.

Hopefully this gives you a place to start when it comes to keeping your pet happy on the road, but when all is said and done, they're your pet. You're going to know them better than we will, so you'll know what's going to keep them calm in a new and stressful situation. If you still need an RV to take your family camping in, furry friends and all, stop by Airstream of Utah and we'll help you find the perfect model. We proudly serve Salt Lake City, Park City, Ogden, West Jordan, and Provo, Utah, as well as Jackson, Wyoming.